Welcome to Getting Things Done
WELCOME TO A gold mine of insights into strategies for how to have more
energy, be more relaxed, with more clarity and presence in the moment with
whatever you’re doing, and get a lot more accomplished with much less
effort. If you’re like me, you like getting things done and doing them well,
and yet you also want to savor life in ways that seem increasingly elusive, if
not downright impossible, if you’re working too hard. This doesn’t have to
be an either-or proposition. It is possible to be effectively doing while you
are delightfully being, in your ordinary workaday world.
I think efficiency is a good thing. Maybe what you’re doing is
important, interesting, or useful; or maybe it isn’t but it has to be done
anyway. In the first case you want to get as much return as you can on your
investment of time and energy. In the second, you want to get on to other
things as fast as you can, without any nagging loose ends.
And whatever you’re doing, you’d probably like to be more relaxed,
confident that whatever you’re doing at the moment is just what you need to
be doing—that having a beer with your staff after hours, gazing at your
sleeping child in his or her crib at midnight, answering the e-mail in front of
you, or spending a few informal minutes with the potential new client after
the meeting is exactly what you ought to be doing, as you’re doing it.
Teaching you how to be maximally efficient and relaxed, whenever you
need or want to be, was my main purpose in writing this book.
And after
many years of sharing this information and set of best practices around the
world, in the most varied environments and with the widest range of people
of all types and ages, I can unequivocally attest: it works.
How do you know that what you’re doing is what you ought to be doing
at any point in time? No software, seminar, cool notebook, smartphone, or
even personal mission statement will give you more than twenty-four hours
in a day, simplify its content, or make this often tough choice for you.
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