This book may very well turn out to be the most useless book
you will ever buy. Because nothing in this book is something
you don’t know of.
This book is not going to be a revelation. It is meant to be a
reminder. A reminder of how life happens to all of us, in a similar yet
unequal fashion.
This book is not going to say something new. It is meant to put
words to your thoughts. Thoughts that we all feel, repeatedly, but
rarely stop to make sense of.
This book is not going to change your life. It is meant to make you
more aware. So that you make choices in life from a state of
awareness and not ignorance.
This book is a compilation of my thoughts that I have shared on
social media over the past twelve months.
Most of which come from my own reflections, my own observations,
my own experiences.
Back in school we used to play this game called book-cricket.
Where we would open up a book to a random page, and the page
number would determine how much we scored on that ‘ball’. I
imagine this book to be one such book-cricket, except we don’t score
runs. Instead, here we are reminded, we put words to our thoughts
and we become more aware.
If I could make a suggestion, play book-cricket with this book.
Every day, open a random page. Read one, maybe three pages.
Reflect upon them. Maybe make some notes. Or just smile at how it
made you feel.
And then come back to it the next day.
If on any day you find yourself saying
‘I needed to hear this today’, consider me the bestselling author of
the century!
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